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This is an editabe text created by CKEditor 5 Balloon Build.

You can enter your entire report here. Use the buttons below this field to add more images. After image is added, click on it and use the pop-up buttons (blue or orange) on the image top and bottom to enter more text before or after the image. Use formatting bar.

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: You should include the general description of the extrasolar planet such as the star system it belongs to, distance from the Sun, discovery method used to find it. Include the known information about the planet, like its mass and distance from its star, type of the planet (e.g. gas giant or rocky world etc.) Also describe weather (if any), and chemical composition of the atmosphere. What were the goals of your intelligence mission to this planet? What is the potential of this planet for colonization? Transformation into a habitable world? Maybe it can be used for industry, mining? Will any Alien civilization object if Earth civilization takes over this body for our purposes you suggested above?

Remember to add more images of the planet if they exist. Note if these are artist’s impression and not actual images. Add captions under figures by clicking on the grey area below each image.

End with a short summary that in 3-4 lines encompasses all of your report.

Now, REMOVE all of this text first and enter your report here.